Climate Action | Strengthening Climate Resilience | Low Carbon | Shin Kong Life Sustainability
Climate Action
According to the Global Risk Report 2024 (GRR 2024) published by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January 2024, the top two of the top 10 global risks in the next decade are "extreme weather events" and "major changes in the Earth system", indicating that climate change has become a common risk for the planet. This shows that climate change has become a common risk for the planet, and the actions taken in the face of climate change risk are even more important.
In order to strengthen its climate resilience, SKL has followed SKFH's strategy and introduced the TCFD framework to establish a climate governance mechanism (covering governance, strategy, risk management, indicators, and goals), identify climate-related risks and opportunities, and utilize situational analysis to assess the potential financial impact of climate change on the Company, and then establish a management process, develop a climate strategy, and set relevant indicators and goals, in the hope of revealing the relevant information through the TCFD framework. It is hoped that the TCFD framework will reveal relevant information and identify opportunities for transformation.