Ethical Management | Realizing Sustainability Governance | Common Good | Shin Kong Life Sustainability
Ethical Management
Ethical Management
All employees completed the ethical corporate management training rate
We established the "Ethical Corporate Management Policy and Best Practice Principles" and the "Ethical Corporate Management Operating Procedures and Code of Conduct" to implement ethical corporate management and provide training to all employees each year. All employees completed the ethical corporate management training in 2023. For education and training on ethical corporate management for directors and senior management, lecturers from the Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance were invited this year to conduct training on topics such as "implementation of ethical corporate management, fair treatment of customers, and financial inclusion". Furthermore, company-wide risk of unethical conduct is assessed regularly each year, in order to effectively determine the distribution and control of risk of unethical conduct. We completed an assessment of the risk of unethical conduct at all company locations in 2022; a total of 11 risks were assessed, including bribes, inappropriate sponsorship, unfair competition, and accepting improper gains; overall risk of unethical conduct was assessed to be low.
Living up to the financial professional ethics
- Code of Ethical Conduct
Directors and managers are required to exercise due diligence in the carrying out their duties, to treat all shareholders fairly, and not to compromise the interests of the Company for the benefit of individuals or particular groups.
- Employee Code of Conduct
We attach gre at importance to the ethical conduct of our insurance employees and have established the "Personnel Management Rules" and "Rules for Rewards and Punishment of Salespersons" to protect the rights and interests of our policyholders and the Company. There was no incident of acceptance of bribery in 2023.
Regulations for Handling Reported Cases
The Company has established a reporting mechanism, with the Compliance Department being the handling unit. Anyone who discovers that the Company's or its subsidiary's personnel are committing crimes, fraud, or violating laws and regulations can report to the Company in writing or by email, and if the case is determined, upon investigated to be true, the relevant personnel will be rewarded and punished in accordance with internal regulations.
Strengthen Anti-money Laundering Mechanisms
Anti-money laundering education and training
In order to fully communicate the company's internal anti-money laundering policy and mechanism, and to establish a corporate culture that places emphasis on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, various anti-money laundering training courses are held for the Board of Directors, general employees, and key departments handling anti-money laundering business. In 2023, the Board of Directors receiving anti-money laundering training was 100%, and specialized supervisors, specialized staff, and the supervisors of the domestic business units receiving the required training was also 100%.